Havelock, India

Havelock, India

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Havelock India

Havelock Island is the largest of the islands comprising the Ritchie Archipelago with an area of 113.93 km², part of a chain of islands east of Grand Andaman, in the Andaman Islands. Havelock is located 57 km northeast of the capital, the city of Port Blair. The population was 5,354 according to the 2001 census. The island is named after Henry Havelock, a British general who was active in India. The current population of the island is composed of Bengali settlers. It is one of the few places where the administration of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands has allowed and encouraged the development of tourism, with a focus on the promotion of ecological tourism.
Recommended airport
Havelock Port (PORT_HAVELOCK)
Nearby destinations
  • Port Blair a 48.96 km
  • Neill Island a 22.86 km